Student projects

I continually supervise student projects and special courses at all levels. If you are interested in working with me within one of the project themes listed here, you are very welcome to contact me.

Recommended courses

As a prerequisite to project work I recommend the following courses

Open project themes

  1. Bayesian deep learning

    Approximate Bayesian inference in deep neural networks, using techniques such as stochastic gradient Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling, Kronecker-factored approximate curvature, ensemble methods, stochastic weight averaging, variational inference, etc.
  2. Uncertainty quantification

    Methods for quantifying uncertainty including Bayesian methods, conformal prediction, and uncertainty distillation.
  3. Graph neural networks

    Applications of graph neural networks to models of molecules and materials.
  4. Sum-product networks/tensor trains

    Probabilistic graphical models that allow for exact inference (marginalization, conditioning etc.) with applications to density estimation, variational inference, active learning, and reinforcement learning.